Assisted Living in Waterford

Additional Assisted Living Services for our Senior Residents

By adding on services as you need them, you can transition to the next level of care without leaving the comforts of a familiar environment.

Services for Every Level of Senior Living Care

Whenever you need a little extra care, we can organize additional assisted living services. Many of these just need to be coordinated through your insurance company.

Additional assisted living services include:

  • Visiting onsite physician and podiatrist
  • Private clinical physicians
  • Medical specialists
  • Skilled nursing services as prescribed by a physician
  • Post-hospital and post-surgical care
  • Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy
  • Rehabilitation
  • Diabetic care
  • Special dietary plans
  • Memory care
  • Long-term care
  • Hospice care
  • Spiritual services
  • On-site professional salon services
  • Private, in-room phone service

By having these extra services on-site, your family doesn’t have to take you out in the cold for appointments. And you can get the next level of care seamlessly and easily without leaving your familiar surroundings.

Contact Us To Tour Our Assisted Living Community in Waterford

Come see Waterford Oaks Senior Care for yourself. Call (248) 390-6602 or contact us online to schedule a tour of our beautiful senior living community. We’re here to answer your questions and help you feel at home in our charming assisted living community.